Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pictures and Shorts

Summer and I started a new English Branch Sabbath School on Sabbath afternoons with another English teacher, Jarun. It's in the village youth center-- quite a nice little building! They even have white boards, and that is very exciting! Granted, I did write on that board with a permanent marker, but after only a little panicking and thinking they will never let us come back to use their building again, I colored over the permanent marker with dry erase marker.... and erased. Crisis aborted.

Last week was Sports Day(s). Sunday and Monday were filled with students on four teams parading, performing, demonstrating and sporting it up. They competed in the parade floats, cheering, 100 m sprinting, football, basketball, volleyball, tekra, ping pong, chairball, and badminton. Here was the most impressive float (team yellow) with their entourage leading. Quite good, don't you think? Tuesday was "Rest Day." (Much needed for us teachers who had a 3-day weekend)

Two students performed a well choreographed Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) demonstration. For obvious reasons, there was no actual fighting in the Sports Day games. This one was performed more like a dance than an actual fight.

Our Thanksgiving setup was simple and very beautiful! Not all the food is on the table in this picture (but we did have a lot of it!). It was nice to have an outdoor Thanksgiving. We shared many texts about God's abundant blessings before Supper and prayed, then we shared what we were all thankful for after supper. We even had pumpkin pie. It was very nice.

Loi Kratong is a lights festival celebrated as a Buddhist Holiday. It is very beautiful. In Chiang Mai, there were gads of people lighting off fireworks, sending up paper balloons into the sky, watching the parade, and eating food. There were also small "boats" of flowers and such that were sent off into the river with incense sticks or candles. The festivities were very fun.... and beautiful.... and slightly dangerous-- dodging bottle rockets as they whizzed toward your head. The sheer volume of balloons that were sent into the air was such a sight to see. It's too bad our camera couldn't capture it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a great way to spend Thanksgiving! An outdoor Thanksgiving dinner. Interesting concept! :)