Monday, April 7, 2008

Michael and Summer Lee present: The ledgend of the huge Thai Spider

For those of you who know Michael you know that he is not particularly fond of spiders. Being the woman in this marriage, one would assume that I should be the one to jump on chairs when the 8-legged monsters come lurking around, but no. I'm the one who runs and gets the shoe. Well, this last week we encountered a spider that sent both of us running. And not for the shoes. For the bazooka. It was just that big.
It was a calm Monday. Michael had spent the afternoon cutting a giant flesh-eating red ants nest out of the tree near our front porch and prying a massive slug off our door while I watched with camera in hand waiting for something funny and perhaps slightly tragic to occur.
We were lying on our bed chatting away when all of a sudden michael lets out a frightened yelp and goes careening off the bed. I naturally assume that a snake has entered out bedroom and has made its' way onto our bed licking its slimy little lips in anticipation to a feast that is to come. But as I jump after him and look to where he is frantically pointing on the wall I see something that makes me whimper just as much as he is. It is a HUGE spider. It just sat there crouched in the corner with its beady eyes looking down at us and its' hairy legs poised for terror. Our safety zone had been breeched.
You have to understand that when we arrived we were not sure what we would find lurking in cupboards and closets throughout our house but we did make sure that our room at least was safe to sleep in. This safety had been destroyed. And Michael, reguardless of the hour was not going to sleep until all threats had been removed.
It was quite the sight. Michael praying frantically not to have the spider move, inching closer and closer with a big plastic cookie box in one hand and a piece of paper to slide underneath it in the other. I had been temporarily exiled to the hallway because michael didn't want me screaming if the thing moved. (Which probably would have happened.) I'm not sure what happened next but evidentally the spider did move, and fast. Freakishly fast for something its size, and made it's way into the window. That started the stake out. Man vs. wild.
In the end, Michael was triumphant and we sealed the sucker up for the night and threw him outside. I was so proud of him! He still doesn't like spiders but he did conqueror his fears long enough to make sure we were safe. Thats my husband. -wink-

Just look at its eyes! They're glowing! Could you go to sleep with that on your wall? I don't think so.


Heather said...

This story is so funny, it made me laugh so hard. Hope no more spiders are found in the safe zone.

Becky said...

ACK! I hate spiders, too, and that would've kept me from sleeping for a week. Good luck with future discoveries... :)

Jon Schaffer said...

Wow that made me laugh. You guys are on such an adventure.