Wednesday, December 17, 2008

101 Posts Later...

... and we're coming home. This is it. The last post before we come home. I really don't have a lot to say. Today, I've been fighting back the emotions involved with leaving a place that has become home to me. There are people, places, and things that I will probably never see again. I'm glad that I will be able to see some people again, if not on this earth, in heaven. I also believe that that time is coming very, very soon. It's kind of interesting how we are going to be going through our second major life change in the course of one year. As we celebrated our 1 year anniversary the day before yesterday, it was fun to look back and see where we've been in the last year. We've definitely grown... physically, mentally, emotionally, culturally, and best of all-- spiritually. As we look forward to unknown things and uncertain times, I know we will continue to grow. I hope and pray that we will not lose focus of our whole purpose and mission on this earth-- "to obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus" (Revelation 14:12) and to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19). Thank you all for following our adventures, for writing us encouraging notes, and for keeping us in your prayers. They have not gone unappreciated. See you soon.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Man appriciation day

Two weeks. That's it. 14 days and about 36 hours of travel is all that stands between us and you! We are so excited to see everyone. (We're not as excited about the longest travel day in our history but we'll do it gladly in order to get home.) Pray that we will get over our colds before we have to travel. We have some Australian friends who just got home after 52 hours of travel due to the Bangkok Airport closure. They both had colds and said it was a fairly miserable endeavor.
We just had Fathers day on Friday. It is celebrated on the Kings birthday in the same way that mothers day is celebrated on the Queens birthday. Handy. There was a program during Saturday Night vespers that honored all the fathers on staff. As all the dads shyly made their way up front other saff members kept coaxing michael to go too. He tried to explain to them that he was not a father but they kept on insisting that he go up front with the rest of them. Desiree, our new volunteer commented that Sauce was kinda like our kid and the teachers told him that his students were like his kids too, so along with the two other men who weren't fathers he made his way reluctantly to the front and was honored with all the rest.
I guess we can just fudge and call it "man" appreciation day.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Time to come home

Well kids it's time for us to come home. Reason being: I have found 2 grey hairs in rapid succession. Mai dee. Oh, and I found 1 black one. What is going on here?