Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To Whet Your Appetite (I have no idea if I spelled that right)

Anyway, as you may have noticed, Summer and I have been a bit delinquent in our writing. That is because Mom and Dad Lee and Matt are here. We have been spending every waking moment entertaining and introducing to the best of our abilities. This is just a little note to let you know we still do exist, and we are still having fun. In our next post(s), we will tell you of adventures... like diving head first off a 50 meter metal thing, sitting atop a large beast that could easily crush someone, piloting a bamboo raft down a jungle river, staring down the throat of a large toothed hungry animal, watching people eat sandwiches for the first time in their lives, and climbing over 300 stairs atop a mountain, just to see a gold statue and lots of people wanting to be blessed by a bald-headed orange robe-wearing man or two. Nothing but craziness here in Thailand. Who wants to visit next? Love to all our faithful as well as first time readers.



Unknown said...

So glad to hear that you are all still alive and having a great time! Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures of all your adventures! Sounds THRILLING!!!!
hmmmmmm..............Bill diving headfirst off a big metal thing headfirst.............not sure I can believe that!

Love to ALL of you!!!!

Momma Nancy said...

Yeah, we were there!! Sadly all good things come to an end and we are home again in the snow (it's 19.8 degrees this evening). Just a note to all of you planning a visit to Thailand - be prepared for nonstop eating, shopping and adventure! You'll have a blast! (By the way it's whet.)