Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hair cut

I don't know if we have written about this event before but it's so good that I bears repeating. This morning as Michael and I came up from staff worship and looked out over the masses of students we were surprised to find that today was a "Hair inspection day." Let me explain.
In Thai schools there is a strictly enforced dress code. It dictates what one must wear each day of the week and also how long your hair is allowed to be. Periodically throughout the term they will have an "inspection day" to insure that boy's hair isn't getting too long and out of control. On the day of the inspection a male teacher walks up and down the line of boys with a pair of school scissors in one hand and hand fulls of hair in the other. If the boy's hair is too long he takes his scissors and whacks huge chunks out of it leaving the student no choice but to get their hair cut to the appropriate length. The real joy of the situation is that the student has to walk around all day long with a horrid haircut and his friends teasing him.
A bit mean? Perhaps. But they are warned. A week before the inspection they let the kids know that it's coming up so they can go and get their hairs cut if need be. So really if they choose to blow it off it's their fault.
As Michael and I watched in stunned fascination as black hair fell to the ground I could imagine the outcry from students in America if something like this were ever to take place in their schools. Way to go Thailand.


Momma Nancy said...

Hmmm. Flashback to U.S. Adventist academies in the 60's. But I don't think they thought of that solution.

Jesse said...

heh, I think these people would have a problem with me.
Hacked-apart hair? "hey, you did it to me, you have to look at me" - is probably not an attitude they would appreciate.