Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tigers, hidden waterfall, and a cave...

Us with the sistor at Buatong Waterfall! It was a bit rainy this day but we still managed to have a good time.

On the first Sunday that Jackie was here we took her to the "Tiger Kingdom." It's new since March and it is amazing! They let you go into the cages and play with the baby tigers. These are 3 months old and though they are small, their teeth are quite sharp. This one tried to take a little bite out of Jackie and Michael both.

I think he is guaging whether he could fit his jaws around my leg or not.

Jackie and I were exploring on our motor bike one day when we found a sign for a waterfall. It looked as if it had been an awesome park at one time but nature had taken it's course with it and it was over grown and watery. Anyway, we tried to find the falls by walking up this river thereby avoiding the overgrowth and whatever lived therein but it didn't work out too well. (The water got a bit too deep.)We ended up taking the trail in the end and did find the falls. It however did not make the photo cut. I liked this one better. Moving on...

In our second attempt we made it to Chiang Dao! Here is one of the many photo ops that our guide insisted that we take. "Take photo. Take photo."

1 comment:

Becky said...

Oh, I am SO jealous. One thing on my list of things to do before I die is to pet a baby tiger. I am SO JEALOUS!!! You're really making me want to go to Thailand, though I've never had a desire to go before keeping up on your blog.