Thursday, August 7, 2008

Of Droughts During the Rainy Season

Drought? What? Not of loving, affectionate people who visit and/or call us; not of water or things to eat; not even of toilet paper. The drought I am referring to is that of our blogging. I must tell you that we do have good and viable reasons for not blogging. We have actually been out of internet services for about 3 weeks now. And right before that, we were exploring and adventuring it up with family for a couple weeks. Anyway, the pictures I promised are on the way, and there will be many more stories and pictures to come. If you wanted, you could even call us and we would be happy to tell you stories over the phone. So, send out the alert. Wake the neighbors. Put the red flags up. We are back in the age of technology. Oh so much love for you all.

--Michael and Summer

1 comment:

Momma Nancy said...

Yay yay -- looking forward to more stories and pics! We had our own little hour of rainy season yesterday. Hot and muggy. Love you, miss you.